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Cell Science & Technology Institute Inc.

C.S.T.I .∞                                                                                                                Developing High-Performance, Safe & Secure Cell Culture Media to Support Cell Therapies & Bio-Pharmaceuticals


Message from the CEO

Almost 100 years have passed since the success of cell culturing was first reported. During this time, major advances have been made in cell culture technologies thanks to the efforts of numerous researchers. Currently, further advances are sought in cell culture technology as a fundamental technology that supports regenerative medicine / cell therapy as well as the production of bio-pharmaceuticals that are the future of healthcare. Cell culture media are indispensable for cell cultures, and it is not an exaggeration to say that their performance determines the success or failure of cell cultures. since our founding in 2001 as a company specializing in cell culture media, we have provided safe, high performance cell culture media not only for basic research, but also to the field where cutting edge cell culture is being conducted, such as research on regenerative medicine / cell therapy and bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing. We believe that it is the responsibility of our company as a member of the NIPRO Group to support the future of health care, conducting product development that is one step ahead, with safety as our top priority.

A Technology to Develop Outstanding High-End Serum-Free Culture

The Cell Science & Technology Institute develops Unique, High-Performance Serum-Free culture Media, using advanced animal cell-culturing technologies. These technologies receive high acclaim form outside research institutions as well, enabling us to take par tin numerous joint R&D and public joint research projects. We aim to contribute to society through supporting cell culture technology that is playing an increasingly important role in the fields of research on regenerative medicine / cell therapy and pharmaceutical production that have been making dramatic strides in recent years, as well as basic research, and through supplying high-performance serum-free culture media.


Product Introduction:

1. Serum-Free Culture Media for use in cell and research on regenerative medicine / cell therapy 
We improve and newly develop serum-free culture media that are used in immune cell therapy and for fiber blasts used in cell therapy use.


2. Serum-Free culture Media used for stem cell research
We develop serum-free culture media for use in culturing iPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) and MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) that have the potential to become leading players in research on regenerative medicine / cell therapy.


3. Serum-free Culture media for use in producing antibodies, vaccines, and recombinant proteins
Production using cell culture is becoming the main technique for producing vaccines and medical-use proteins. We develop serum-free culture media, aimed at their usage in producing drugs such as these.


 4. Chemical Reagents and other products
We manufacture and sell various types of cell culture media and cell culture-related reagents.


● Development of SFM for immuno-cell therapy research
● Development of SFM for regenerative medicine research

● Development of SFM  for biomedicals production

● Production of custom-made/ modified culture media

● Technical supports for animal cell culture

Human LAK Cell Culture using Culture Bag System

SFM for Cancer Immuno-Cell Therapy Research                                                                           ALyS 505N

1. Preferable to Human LAK, NK and CTL Culture
2. All Protein Components are Recombinant Type or Medical Grade Type
3. IL-2 Pre-Added Medium Available
4. GMP Based Production
5. Culture Bag Pre-Filled Available

Animal Derived Factor-Free Medium for Lymphocyte Culture                                  ALyS 705

1. Preferable to Animal Lymphocyte Culture
2. Animal Derived Factor-Free
3. GMP Based Production

Proliferation of T-Cell Blast with ALyS505N

Comparative study of LAK cell growth between a general serum medium
(Modified RPMI-1640) and ALyS505N medium with cancer patient PBL

Modified RPMI-1640: 10% autologous serum (AS) for 6 days, followed by 2% AS for 8days.   ALyS-505N: 5% AS for 4 days, followed by Serum-free for 10 days.

ALyS505N User in Japan, Korea

Main customer          /          Location                                                                                                                                            

Seta Clinic Group (瀬田クリニック)/Tokyo, Sappolo,
INNOMEDYSIS (イノメディシス)/Seouru, S. Korea
Biotherapy Inst. of Japan (日本バイオセラピー研究所)/Tokyo
SENBIKEN Clinic (仙台微生物研究所クリニック)/Sendai
Tokyo University Hospital (東京大学病院)/Tokyo
Tokyo Women‘s Medical University Hospital (東京女子医大病院)/Tokyo
CHIBA Cancer Center (千葉県立ガンセンター)/Chiba
Immuno Teck Co., Ltd (株式会社イムノテック)/Osaka
The Village of Integrative Medicine(統合医療)/Tokyo
Choju Medical Institute (福祉村病院長寿医学研究所)/Toyohashi

GMP conformed production facility


Cell processing center for R & D